Maximizing Your Job Application: A Guide to Sharing Your Information with Consultants

At Éclat Hospitality, we believe that a Career Discovery Call is the best way for us to truly understand your unique skills, experiences, and career goals. This personalized conversation allows us to tailor our search and connect you with opportunities that perfectly align with your aspirations. However, we understand that life can be busy, and sometimes, you might not have the time or inclination for a call.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry! You can still share all the essential information with us via email. Below, we’ve outlined a simple yet effective format you can use to ensure we get a comprehensive view of your professional profile, even without the call.

Important Note: While this format is a convenient way to share your details with our consultants, we strongly recommend tailoring your cover letter to each job application. A personalized approach is always more impactful and demonstrates your genuine interest in the role. Use the format below specifically to update us on your latest resume and career information.

How to Structure Your Email to Éclat Hospitality & then send it to

Subject: Application for [Desired Position] – [Your Full Name]

Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in connecting with Éclat Hospitality. Attach your resume and use the following format to provide us with key information:

1. Current Role and Key Responsibilities

Current City: [Your City]

Current Designation: [Your Current Job Title]

Key Responsibilities: [Briefly describe your main responsibilities in your current role]

2. Career Achievements

Most Proud Achievement: [Describe a key achievement in your career that you are particularly proud of]

3. Career Motivation and Goals

Motivation for a Career in Hospitality: [Briefly explain what motivated you to pursue a career in the hospitality industry]

Long-Term Career Goals: [Describe your long-term career aspirations and how you plan to achieve them]

Specific Skills or Experiences Sought: [Detail any particular skills or experiences you hope to gain in your next role]

4. Strengths and Challenges

Core Strengths: [Outline your greatest strengths and how they have contributed to your success]

Challenge Overcome: [Provide an example of a challenge you faced in a previous role and how you overcame it]

5. Work Preferences

Expected Designation: [The position you are aiming for]

Expected Salary: [Your expected salary range]

Notice Period (If Any): [Your current notice period, if applicable]

Preferred Company Culture and Work Environment: [Describe your ideal work environment and company culture]

6. Additional Information

Age: [Your Age]

Number of People Managed: [The number of people you currently manage, if applicable]

Core Department/Strengths: [Mention your core department or area of expertise]

7. Industry Engagement

Staying Updated: [Explain how you stay updated on industry trends and developments]

By following this structure, you ensure that we receive all the critical details needed to match you with the best opportunities in the hospitality industry. Remember, while this format is a great alternative, a tailored cover letter for each job application is always recommended. It shows your dedication to the specific role and sets you apart in the competitive job market.

At Éclat Hospitality, we are committed to helping you achieve your career goals. Whether through a Career Discovery Call or via this email format, we look forward to connecting with you and exploring how we can support your journey in the world of hospitality.