Format To Structure Your Email to A Consultant

Subject: Application for [Desired Position] – [Your Full Name]

Start by introducing yourself and expressing your interest in connecting with Éclat Hospitality. Attach your resume and use the following format to provide us with key information:

1. Current Role and Key Responsibilities

Current City: [Your City]

Current Designation: [Your Current Job Title]

Key Responsibilities: [Briefly describe your main responsibilities in your current role]

2. Career Achievements

Most Proud Achievement: [Describe a key achievement in your career that you are particularly proud of]

3. Career Motivation and Goals

Motivation for a Career in Hospitality: [Briefly explain what motivated you to pursue a career in the hospitality industry]

Long-Term Career Goals: [Describe your long-term career aspirations and how you plan to achieve them]

Specific Skills or Experiences Sought: [Detail any particular skills or experiences you hope to gain in your next role]

4. Strengths and Challenges

Core Strengths: [Outline your greatest strengths and how they have contributed to your success]

Challenge Overcome: [Provide an example of a challenge you faced in a previous role and how you overcame it]

5. Work Preferences

Expected Designation: [The position you are aiming for]

Expected Salary: [Your expected salary range]

Notice Period (If Any): [Your current notice period, if applicable]

Preferred Company Culture and Work Environment: [Describe your ideal work environment and company culture]

6. Additional Information

Age: [Your Age]

Number of People Managed: [The number of people you currently manage, if applicable]

Core Department/Strengths: [Mention your core department or area of expertise]

7. Industry Engagement

Staying Updated: [Explain how you stay updated on industry trends and developments]