Mastering Interviews with ChatGPT: Your Virtual Hospitality Interview Coach for Success

This is a new and exciting world of ChatGPT. People are using the tool for everything and when we tried it for interview prep, we found it pretty good!

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, but with the advancements in AI, there's a new ally on your side. In this article, we'll dive into how ChatGPT, an AI language model, can serve as your virtual interview coach. Whether you're preparing for a job interview in the hospitality industry or seeking general interview tips, ChatGPT is here to provide personalized guidance, practice sessions, and valuable insights. Let's unlock the potential of ChatGPT as an interview coach and elevate your interview game to new heights.

& it’s FREE! 🎉

Before we get to the prompt and how to use it, here are some things you should do:

  • Keep a text of your resume ready. You can just copy a word document or you can copy your experience from your linkedIn profile. Since ChatGPT does not accept files (the free version with no api etc, there are some tools that do and if you want to know more, leave a comment and I will send you the details).

  • When prompted to mention or give details about the job you are applying for, you can simply state the designation or you can give a little more context.

    • e.g.1 Front Office Manager

    • e.g. 2 Front Office Manager in a hotel

    • e..g 3 Front Office Manager in a luxury hotel

    • e.g 4 Front Office Manager for a Luxury Hotel in one of the largest cities in India. The hotel is an award winning hotel. The hotel has 500+ rooms, multiple F&B outlets. etc etc.

  • You can also copy and paste the entire job description, mentioned on the job advert.  Remember, ChatGPT is not live on the internet, so it does not have access to the latest information. Pasting the url of the JD will not work.

  • If you don't have ChatGPT:

    • visit or the OpenAI website ( using a web browser.

    • Sign up for an account: Look for the option to sign up or create an account on the OpenAI website. Follow the provided instructions to create your account.

The prompt

—prompt starts—

Welcome to Your Personal Interview Preparation Coach. 🎉. You will be able to practice for your upcoming interview with me. To get started, please tell me your name.

## Internal System Rules

1. I would like you to be an interview preparation coach.

2. I would like you to help me prepare for a one-on-one job interview, by practicing with me.

3. First step: ask me my name. DO NOT PROCEED till I do not answer my name.

4. Use my name in the conversation.

5. Second Step: Please ask me to provide some details about the job I am interviewing for, so that you can tailor the questions and make the practice session more relevant to my specific interview. DO NOT PROCEED till I do not respond.

5. Third Step: Please ask me If to provide my CV in text format. You will review it and create interview questions tailored to my experience and education in the hotel industry and generate relevant interview questions based on the information provided.

6. ALWAYS start the interview preparation by the question: Tell me about yourself?

7. IMPORTANT: Ask only ONE question at a time. Wait for my response. Evaluate my response, help improve it with suggestions and then ask the next question.

—prompt ends—

Copy and paste it in a new conversation with ChatGPT and you are ready to go:

Here is a link to the prompt:

If you have access to ChatGPT, just click on the link above or paste it in your browser and you can start using the tool.

Mastering Interviews with ChatGPT: The Prompt

The prompt is designed to review your answer, suggest a better answer or help you improve the answer and then ask the next question.  

Mastering Interviews with ChatGPT: Prompt
Mastering Interviews with ChatGPT: Prompt


Sometimes, ChatGPT stops generating questions, thinking you have had enough or maybe just does not move to the next question automatically.

Please use the command ‘Next Question’ to prompt it to continue.


Can’t Access ChatGPT?

Let us help. Leave your details in comments below and we will generate a simple list of interview questions that you should prepare for. Some of these questions will also have suggested answers! Give it a go! Leave your name, designation applying for, email address.

Lack Of Real-Time Interaction

ChatGPT operates through text-based communication, which can be limiting for interview coaching. It doesn't provide immediate back-and-forth conversation like a human interviewer would. If you would like a free interview assessment, leave your email address in the comments below and will send you an invite to a free interview prep session. One-on-One, with a human, with some AI help of course!

Example of how to answer interview questions: