What Are The Top 5 Models Used In Corporate Coaching?

There are many different coaching models that can be used in corporate coaching, each with their own unique approach and benefits. Here are five popular models used in corporate coaching:

  • GROW Model: The GROW model is one of the most widely used coaching models. It stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way forward. The coach helps the client define their goals, assess their current reality, explore different options for achieving their goals, and develop a plan for moving forward.

  • CLEAR Model: The CLEAR model is an acronym for Contracting, Listening, Exploring, Action, and Review. This model emphasizes the importance of establishing a clear coaching contract, active listening, exploring the client's needs and goals, taking action, and reviewing progress.

  • TGROW Model: The TGROW model is an extension of the GROW model, with the addition of "T" which stands for Topic. The coach helps the client define the topic they want to focus on, identify their goals, explore different options, and develop a plan for moving forward.

  • OSKAR Model: The OSKAR model stands for Outcome, Scaling, Know-how, Affirm and Action, and Review. This model emphasizes the importance of focusing on outcomes, using scaling questions to assess progress, identifying the client's strengths and skills, providing affirmations, and taking action.

  • Solution-Focused Coaching Model: The Solution-Focused Coaching model is focused on helping clients identify their strengths and resources, and use them to achieve their goals. The coach asks questions to help the client envision a positive future, identify what is already working, and develop a plan to build on their strengths and achieve their desired outcomes.

Each of these models can be effective in different situations, and the choice of model may depend on the specific needs and goals of the client and the organization. Skilled coaches often adapt their approach to meet the unique needs of each client and situation.