Resume Do Nots

Do not write the word ‘Resume’ on top, or anything else that means just about the same thing. Bio-Data/ curriculum vitae etc.
Do Not have any grammatical or spelling errors on your resume.
> Do not use words you do not understand
When asked what they mean by words like ‘transformational’ or ‘paradigm changing’ etc a lot of candidates have a blank look.
> Do not create an epic from your resume
A page is ideal. Two if you have loads of exp. No other excuse for verbosity.
 > Do not MASS MAIL
We understand emailing makes it easy to send your resume to multiple people all at once, but really the only thing you are doing is demonstrating how lazy you are.
Personalize your emails. Specify your interest, job details etc.
DO NOT, DO NOT mass mail.
> Do not Lie, or even Fib
Tempting as it is, it will be caught.
Resume integrity is paramount.
> Do not save money by printing cheap
Let the quality of the paper used and the quality of the printing show/demonstrate your value and your ability to do things well.
> Do Not use multi-coloured fonts
> Do Not use Heavy picture files
If your resume is loaded with pictures or heavy files, it make take too long to download or worse, get rejected by the server.
> Irrelevant pictures/formatting.