Eclat Hospitality

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Building a Talent Pipeline: Why Hotel Leaders Must Take Recruitment into Their Own Hands

Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a growing trend in the hospitality industry that I believe is worth addressing. It might be a bit controversial, but it’s a reality that hotel leaders need to recognize and act on. More and more, I see General Managers and Heads of Departments personally posting job openings from their private accounts, rather than relying solely on their official pages, LinkedIn profiles, or HR departments.

This shift isn’t just a reaction to the well-documented talent shortage in the industry; it reflects a broader change in the role of hotel leaders. Recruitment is no longer solely the domain of HR. It has become an essential responsibility of operational leaders, who must actively seek out and secure the talent that will drive their departments forward.

While HR departments undoubtedly play a critical role in the recruitment process, the task has become so expansive and crucial that it demands the involvement of operational managers. This is especially true when considering how closely linked team performance is to operational success. With that in mind, here are some practical steps that operational leaders can take to build what I like to call a “Talent Pipeline”—or, as the saying goes, to “dig the well before you’re thirsty.”

1. Leverage Your Hotel’s Website: Create a Comprehensive Careers Page

Your hotel’s website should be a central hub for recruitment. Ensure there’s a dedicated careers page where all open positions under your purview are clearly listed. This page should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, and regularly updated. But listing positions isn’t enough. Implement an applicant tracking system (ATS) or, at the very least, a shared Google Drive to collect and manage applications. This system should be accessible to both HR and your operational team. Take the time to review these applications weekly, even if HR handles the initial screening.

For candidates who stand out but might not perfectly fit the current roles, make notes. Create a format for assessing potential talent and use it consistently. If someone has the right attitude and almost all the required skills, but is missing one or two key competencies, consider reaching out to them. Let them know what they can work on and encourage them to reapply in the future. This proactive approach not only helps you keep a pulse on potential hires but also builds goodwill among job seekers.

2. Cultivate a Culture of Internal Referrals

Don’t underestimate the power of internal referrals. Encourage your team members to refer candidates for open positions. Employees who refer successful candidates often feel more invested in their new colleagues’ success, which can boost morale and improve team cohesion. Create an internal referral program that rewards employees for bringing in talent. This could be as simple as recognition in a team meeting or as substantial as a monetary bonus.

Make it clear that you value these referrals by following up promptly on every lead. This also sends a message to your team that recruitment is a shared responsibility and that everyone has a stake in building a strong team. Additionally, internal referrals tend to result in better cultural fits, as your current employees are likely to refer people who share the same values and work ethic.

3. Network Continuously: Always Be Recruiting

Recruitment shouldn’t only happen when you have a vacancy. Always be on the lookout for potential team members, whether you’re attending industry events, participating in online forums, or simply interacting with other professionals. Networking isn’t just about finding your next job; it’s also about finding your next great hire.

Establish and maintain relationships with hospitality schools, training centers, and professional networks. Regularly engage with students and professionals, offering guidance, mentoring, or even guest lectures. This positions you as a leader in the field and keeps you top of mind when talented individuals are looking for new opportunities. When a vacancy does arise, you’ll have a pool of qualified candidates to tap into.

4. Utilize Social Media: Your Personal Account as a Recruitment Tool

Using your personal social media accounts to post job openings can be incredibly effective. Your network is likely filled with industry professionals who respect your leadership and are eager to share opportunities with their own connections. When posting, be transparent about what you’re looking for and why it’s a great opportunity. Highlight what makes your hotel or department special—whether it’s the culture, the team, or the challenges that will push someone to grow in their career.

However, remember to maintain professionalism. Your personal brand is a reflection of your hotel’s brand. Ensure that your social media presence aligns with your hotel’s values and that you’re representing the opportunity in a way that’s both authentic and appealing.

5. Invest in Employee Development: Grow Your Own Talent

One of the best ways to ensure you have a pipeline of capable employees is to invest in the development of your current team. Identify high-potential individuals and provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. This could be through formal training programs, mentorship, or by giving them stretch assignments that challenge them to expand their skill sets.

By developing your own talent, you’re not only preparing your team for future roles within your department, but you’re also increasing employee loyalty and satisfaction. People are more likely to stay with an organization that invests in their growth, and they’re more likely to refer others to a workplace that fosters development.

6. Stay Proactive: Don’t Wait for the Perfect Candidate

Lastly, understand that the perfect candidate rarely exists. Be willing to take a chance on someone who has the right attitude, even if they don’t tick every box. Sometimes, the best hires are those who have the potential to grow into the role, rather than those who are already perfectly qualified. If you find someone who is a strong cultural fit and has most of the skills you need, consider how you can support their development to fill in any gaps.

Recruitment is an ongoing process, and by taking these steps, you can ensure that when the time comes to hire, you’re not scrambling to fill a role—you’re simply selecting the best from a pool of well-cultivated talent.

p.s. If you need any assistance in setting any or all of these at your workplace, please do write to me on or message me on +91 9872000604. I would be happy to help you set all this up.

p.p.s. If you have already tried everything and are still not able to find that great next hire, retain us for a search.

At Éclat Hospitality, we specialize in connecting exceptional talent with premier hotels, resorts, restaurants, cruise lines, and catering companies across the globe. Our deep industry expertise and commitment to excellence ensure that we provide tailored recruitment solutions that align with your unique needs. Whether you’re a luxury resort in need of top-tier management or a boutique hotel looking for skilled professionals, we bring you the best of the hospitality world. With a global reach and a passion for the industry, we’re not just filling positions—we’re shaping the future of hospitality.

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