Eclat Hospitality

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How To Do A Reference Check - A Comprehensive Guide

In This Article:

Pre-Reference Check Activities

EMAIL FORMAT to ask for References

Reference Check Script

A Comprehensive List Of Questions For Reference Check

Candidate Reference Check Scoring Sheet

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Pre-Reference Check ActivitieS

  1. Obtain Candidate's Consent:

    • Ensure the candidate is aware that you will be contacting their references.

    • Get explicit consent from the candidate to contact their provided references.

  2. Request Reference Information:

    • Ask the candidate to provide a list of references, including:

      • Full name

      • Job title

      • Company name

      • Relationship to the candidate

      • Contact information (phone number and email address)

    • Ideally, request a mix of supervisors, peers, and subordinates (if applicable).

  3. Verify References:

    • Confirm the validity of the references provided by the candidate.

    • Check if the contact information is accurate and up-to-date.

    • Ensure the references are relevant to the candidate’s recent positions.

  4. Prepare Reference Check Questions:

    • Customize the comprehensive reference check questions and scoring sheet to fit the specific role and organizational needs.

    • Ensure the questions cover all necessary areas: general performance, teamwork, problem-solving, job-specific skills, cultural fit, career progression, and additional insights.

  5. Schedule the Reference Check Calls:

    • Contact the references to schedule a convenient time for the call.

    • Confirm the date and time, ensuring it aligns with the reference's availability.

  6. Review the Candidate’s Application and Resume:

    • Familiarize yourself with the candidate’s work history, accomplishments, and any potential areas of concern.

    • Prepare to ask specific questions related to the candidate's previous roles and experiences.

  7. Set Up a System for Taking Notes:

    • Prepare a system (digital or paper-based) to record detailed notes during the reference check calls.

    • Use the scoring sheet to systematically evaluate the feedback from each reference.

  8. Prepare an Introduction Script:

    • Draft an introduction script for the reference check calls to explain the purpose and ensure a professional and consistent approach.

    • Include a brief introduction of yourself and your company, and clarify the candidate's application for the specific role.

  9. Ensure Confidentiality:

    • Be prepared to explain how the information gathered will be used and assure the reference that their feedback will be kept confidential.

    • Understand and comply with any legal requirements or company policies related to reference checks.

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EMAIL FORMAT to ask for References

Subject: Request for References and Consent for Reference Check

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well.

Thank you for your recent interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. We appreciate your interest in joining our team and your time throughout the interview process.

As part of our hiring process, we conduct thorough reference checks to gain insights into the candidate’s past performance and work ethics. We would like to move forward with this next step and kindly request that you provide us with contact information for your professional references.

Could you please provide the following details for at least three references who can speak to your qualifications and experiences? Ideally, we would like a mix of supervisors, peers, and, if applicable, subordinates:

  1. Full Name

  2. Job Title

  3. Company Name

  4. Relationship to You

  5. Contact Information (Phone Number and Email Address)

Additionally, we need your explicit consent to contact these references and discuss your performance and suitability for the [Job Title] role. Please reply to this email with your consent by including the following statement:

“I, [Your Full Name], give my consent to [Company Name] to contact the references provided and discuss my professional performance and qualifications for the [Job Title] position.”

We assure you that all information gathered during the reference checks will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of assessing your candidacy for this role.

Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please feel free to contact me.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]
[Your Job Title]
[Company Name]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]

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Reference Check Script


Recruiter: Hello, is this [Reference’s Name]?

Reference: Yes, it is.

Recruiter: Hello [Reference’s Name], my name is [Your Name], and I’m a recruiter from Eclat Hospitality. We are currently considering [Candidate’s Name] for a position at our company, and they have listed you as a reference. Do you have a few moments to speak with me about [Candidate’s Name]?

Reference: Yes, I do.

Recruiter: Thank you. I want to assure you that this conversation will remain confidential and the information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of assessing [Candidate’s Name]’s suitability for the role they have applied for. Is that okay with you?

Reference: Yes, that’s fine.

Confirming Basic Information

Recruiter: Great. To start, could you please confirm your job title and how you are/were associated with [Candidate’s Name]?

Reference: Sure, I am [Reference’s Job Title] at [Company Name], and I supervised [Candidate’s Name] during their time here.

Recruiter: Thank you. Could you also confirm the dates of [Candidate’s Name]’s employment and their primary responsibilities?

Reference: [Candidate’s Name] worked here from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Their primary responsibilities included [List of Responsibilities].

General Performance and Work Ethics

Recruiter: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate [Candidate’s Name]’s overall job performance?

Reference: I would rate their performance at [Rating].

Recruiter: What were [Candidate’s Name]’s primary strengths and areas for development?

Reference: Their primary strengths were [Strengths]. They could improve in [Areas for Development].

Recruiter: How well did [Candidate’s Name] handle deadlines and pressure?

Reference: [Candidate’s Name] handled deadlines and pressure [Description].

Recruiter: On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate their punctuality and reliability?

Reference: I would rate their punctuality and reliability at [Rating].

Recruiter: Can you tell me about a situation where [Candidate’s Name] followed instructions beyond expectations?

Reference: There was a situation where [Example of Following Instructions Beyond Expectations].

Recruiter: Did [Candidate’s Name] respect company policies and regulations?

Reference: Yes/No

Recruiter: On a scale of 1 to 10, how effectively did [Candidate’s Name] manage time and organize themselves?

Reference: I would rate their time management and organization at [Rating].

Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills

Recruiter: How efficiently does [Candidate’s Name] collaborate with others and cooperate during work?

Reference: [Candidate’s Name] collaborated and cooperated [Description].

Recruiter: Did [Candidate’s Name] effectively resolve conflicts when they arose?

Reference: Yes/No

Recruiter: How would you describe [Candidate’s Name]’s communication style with colleagues and clients?

Reference: Their communication style was [Effective/Neutral/Ineffective].

Recruiter: To what extent was [Candidate’s Name] receptive to correction and criticism?

Reference: They were [Receptive/Not Receptive] to correction and criticism.

Recruiter: Can you characterize [Candidate’s Name]’s activities, attitudes, and behaviors regarding leadership?

Reference: Their leadership activities, attitudes, and behaviors were [Description].

Recruiter: Did [Candidate’s Name] work more independently, or were they part of the team and able to collaborate with other colleagues?

Reference: They worked [Independently/As Part of a Team/Both].

Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Recruiter: Can you give an example of how [Candidate’s Name] solved a problem?

Reference: Sure, there was a situation where [Example of Problem-Solving].

Recruiter: How did [Candidate’s Name] handle unexpected challenges or changes in the workplace?

Reference: They handled unexpected challenges or changes [Description].

Recruiter: How did [Candidate’s Name] contribute to the company’s strategic goals?

Reference: They contributed to our strategic goals by [Description].

Job-Specific Skills and Competencies

Recruiter: Can you speak about [Candidate’s Name]’s technical skills relevant to the role?

Reference: Their technical skills relevant to the role were [Description].

Recruiter: How did [Candidate’s Name] show that they possess specific knowledge in the area?

Reference: They demonstrated specific knowledge by [Description].

Recruiter: Did [Candidate’s Name] have weaknesses that kept them from excelling in certain areas?

Reference: Yes/No. Their weaknesses were [Description].

Recruiter: What was [Candidate’s Name]’s learning rate? Could they quickly acquire new skills, tools, or technologies?

Reference: Their learning rate was [Description].

Recruiter: Can you tell me the key strengths and weaknesses of [Candidate’s Name] viewed from your position?

Reference: Their key strengths were [Strengths], and their weaknesses were [Weaknesses].

Cultural Fit and Alignment with Values

Recruiter: On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did [Candidate’s Name] match the organizational culture of your company?

Reference: I would rate their cultural fit at [Rating].

Recruiter: What positive impact did [Candidate’s Name] have on the work environment?

Reference: They had a positive impact by [Description].

Recruiter: On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did [Candidate’s Name] align with your company’s values and mission?

Reference: I would rate their alignment with our values and mission at [Rating].

Recruiter: Would you rehire [Candidate’s Name]?

Reference: Yes/No

Recruiter: What is your impression of [Candidate’s Name]’s work habits and attitude?

Reference: My impression of their work habits and attitude is [Description].

Career Progression and Long-Term Potential

Recruiter: Can you speak about [Candidate’s Name]’s growth and development during their tenure?

Reference: They showed growth and development by [Description].

Recruiter: Did [Candidate’s Name] take on additional responsibilities over time?

Reference: Yes/No. They took on additional responsibilities by [Description].

Recruiter: What is [Candidate’s Name]’s potential for higher-level roles?

Reference: Their potential for higher-level roles is [Description].

Additional Insights and Recommendations

Recruiter: What was [Candidate’s Name]’s reason for turnover?

Reference: Their reason for turnover was [Description].

Recruiter: Is there any aspect where you feel [Candidate’s Name] requires training or help?

Reference: Yes/No. They require training/help in [Description].

Recruiter: Would you recommend [Candidate’s Name] for the position they are applying for with us?

Reference: Yes/No

Recruiter: Is there anything else you think we should know about [Candidate’s Name]?

Reference: [Additional Comments]


Recruiter: Thank you very much for your time, [Reference’s Name]. Your feedback is invaluable to us as we consider [Candidate’s Name] for this position.

Reference: You’re welcome. Good luck with your hiring process.

Recruiter: Thank you. Have a great day!

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Comprehensive Reference Check Questions

  • 1. General Performance and Work Ethics

    • Can you confirm the candidate’s job title, dates of employment, and primary responsibilities?

    • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the candidate’s overall job performance?

    • What were the candidate’s primary strengths and areas for development?

    • How well did the candidate handle deadlines and pressure?

    • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the candidate’s punctuality and reliability?

    • Can you tell me about a situation where the candidate followed instructions beyond expectations?

    • Did the candidate respect company policies and regulations? (Yes/No)

    • On a scale of 1-10, how effectively did the candidate manage time and organize themselves?

    • How does the candidate perform under stress or pressure?

    • Can you provide an example of a crisis or stressful situation the candidate managed effectively?

  • 2. Teamwork and Interpersonal Skills

    • How efficiently does the candidate collaborate with others and cooperate during work?

    • Did the candidate effectively resolve conflicts when they arose? (Yes/No)

    • How would you describe the candidate’s communication style with colleagues and clients? (Effective, Neutral, Ineffective)

    • To what extent was the candidate receptive to correction and criticism?

    • Can you characterize the candidate’s activities, attitudes, and behaviors regarding leadership (if appropriate)?

    • Did the candidate work more independently, or were they part of the team and able to collaborate effectively?

    • How did the candidate interact with customers or clients, if applicable?

    • Can you describe a situation where the candidate went above and beyond to satisfy a customer or client?

  • 3. Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

    • Can you give an example of how the candidate solved a problem?

    • How did the candidate handle unexpected challenges or changes in the workplace?

    • How did the candidate contribute to the company’s strategic goals?

    • Has the candidate demonstrated innovative thinking or initiative in their role?

  • 4. Job-Specific Skills and Competencies

    • Can you speak about the candidate’s technical skills relevant to the role?

    • How did the candidate demonstrate specific knowledge in their area of expertise?

    • Were there weaknesses that hindered the candidate’s performance in certain areas?

    • What was the candidate’s learning rate? Could they quickly acquire new skills, tools, or technologies?

    • From your perspective, what were the key strengths and weaknesses of the candidate?

  • 5. Cultural Fit and Alignment with Values

    • On a scale of 1-10, how well did the candidate match the organizational culture of the company?

    • What positive impact did the candidate have on the work environment?

    • On a scale of 1-10, how well did the candidate align with the company’s values and mission?

    • Will you rehire the candidate? (Yes/No)

    • What is your impression of the candidate’s work habits and attitude?

    • Did the candidate demonstrate strong ethical behavior during their tenure?

  • 6. Career Progression and Long-Term Potential

    • How did the candidate grow or develop during their time at your company?

    • Did the candidate take on additional responsibilities or seek out opportunities for advancement?

    • Based on your experience, do you see the candidate having long-term potential within an organization?

    • Would you consider the candidate for higher-level roles or additional responsibilities in the future?

  • 7. Additional Insights and Recommendations

    • What was the candidate’s reason for turnover?

    • Are there any areas where you feel the candidate requires training or help?

    • Should the candidate be offered this position? (Yes/No)

    • Based on your knowledge of the candidate, would you recommend them for this position?

    • Is there anything else you think we should know about the candidate that hasn’t been covered?

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